You are warmly welcome to Kuusamo!
Regards, Sirpa & Katja
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Driving instructions
The directions from Kuusamo, Distance 45 km, time about 30-45 min.
Turn off from the main road no 5, at the Neste (Wetteri) petrol station
-> drive straight from the roundabout onto the Vuotungintie road, (to the airport direction) and continue driving for about 30km afterwards
-> Turn right to the road Kuntijärventie, and continue driving for about 10km -> Turn right to the road Särkiluomantie and drive for some 3 km
-> Turn left and drive forward about 300 metres and Klubi will be there on your left side
The directions from Ruka Center
Distance 41,5 km, time about 30-45 min.
From Ruka Plaza drive south Rukatunturintie (road) 1,4 km
-> Turn left at Rukajärventielle 2,3 km
-> Turn left at Tahkolanrannantielle 12,5 km
-> Turn right at Virkkulantielle 10,9 km
-> Turn left at Vuotungintielle 0,4 km
-> Turn right at Kuntijärventielle 10,1 km
-> Turn right at Särkiluomantielle 2,9 km
-> Turn left at kohdassa Heikinjärventielle 0,7 km
The directions from Kuusamo centre to Kuusamo`s Pesäkolo
Turn off from the main road no 5, at the Neste (Wetteri) petrol station
-> drive straight from the roundabout onto the Vuotungintie road, and then continue to drive for 25,5 km until you reach the village of Määttälänvaara
-> Turn right to the road Kiviperäntie and continue to drive onto Kiviperä village about 12,5 km
-> Turn right into the yard of the yellow farmhouse.